Hey all..
Just thought I had better write a quick blog before I get too far into my weekend and into the realms of Princess party land because you know me..if I don't write now you may not hear from me till at least Monday.
Well it was all go this week,my head in a right spin going from Manchester to Huddersfield to Leeds..back to Huddersfield!Well just to let you know that I will be available every Wed in Manchester at The Manchester Dungeon from now on and if things keep going the way they are at the moment then I may have to up my days to twice a week!I went over to The Manchester Dungeon on Wed just gone with friend and fellow Yorkshire Mistress Athena who also happens also to be a very good friend with Mistress Julia Pink,we decided to kidnap Mistress Julia and take her out for lunch at The Village!Funny actually because the last time I was at The Village myself and another Mistress had captured and were holding a victim hostage in one of the lovely rooms they have there..anyway that wasn't quite the case with Mistress Julia who seemed quite keen on escaping the Dungeon for an hour so we could catch up.
Thursday I was in Leeds and Huddersfield,part buisness,part sadistic pleasure..there are going to be some more changes coming up and I have some news for you all but as the Princess is already "fashionably" late (as always) I will have to leave it till another day..in the meantime try not to miss me too much..
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.