Hi all,
Just to let you all know that I will be in Manchester at The Manchester Dungeon on Wednesday this week.I will be available at the Yorkshire Dungeon in Huddersfield tomorrow so if you need to book in for an appointment at either then ring my mobile 07772 308063 or phone either The Manchester Dungeon on tel number 01617 620051 or contact the Yorkshire Dungeon and ask about my availability for this day or any other day you may wish to make a booking to come and see me.Anyway i've not much to say tonight..as in true Princess style I had a hard weekend and i'm still recovering so I think maybe I shall leave it till tomorrow so I can gather my thoughts and post one of my usual long rambling entries for you all to enjoy..
Be good..or you will be punished!
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.