Hi all!
Well it was all go at The Manchester Dungeon today as I made my way over for more than just a session to begin the day!I began my hard day by having my nails done which left me just enough time to get to the dungeon before my first appointment at 1.00pm..then a steady stream from the afternoon into the early evening saw me arrive back home for around 9.15pm this evening.It was good to see everyone and I'm thinking of possibly going back to do one day a week there so watch this space and I will let you know as or when anything is confirmed!Mistress Julia was on top form as always and it wasn't long before we back to our old selves..the banter..the gossip..The Manchester Dungeon!he he..I love that place!
Anyway keep checking both my sites for new updates and there will be some new photos and event stories which will be posted over the weekend..for now though..
Be Good..or be punished!
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka Uk Mistress Kidnap.