A warm welcome to you all!
Well the Princess is definately here..and there..and everywhere at the moment!!
I had a great day visiting everyone yesterday at The Manchester Dungeon..Yes it's true I can't stay away from the place and have missed it loads so I am pleased (as I am sure you all are!) to say that I will be coming over to Manchester on the odd day by appointment only to session from The Manchester Dungeon.
The Princess tour continues up and down the country starting with London tomorrow(Wed) and all day Thursday.The Manchester Dungeon on Friday then Huddersfield for the weekend.
Anyway!!My Sadistic Princess site is still under construction and I have added the new Slave gallery where if you are good and prove your worth will appear on for my amusement and entertainment!Only my best slaves will appear on there so if you wish to be added to my slave hall of shame then prove yourself,beg me and I may consider..If you are lucky!Very lucky!
Anyway I must now depart but for now stay on your knees until the Princess has left the room!
Mistress/Princess Anuska
07772 308063