Hello all,
Well I am finally back from my extended midweek trip to London.My trip this time was extremely pleasurable and to be truthful I was a little reluctant to come back.It was good to see those who did manage to get a booking in and to those who are having to wait until next week then remember that all good things come to those who wait!As always it was also good to see and catch up with Madam Astrid whom of which I must say is looking very well at the moment.
My shopping trip didn't go as well as I had planned due to the typically horrid British weather which I think maybe noticing a little more than normal due to the fact I had just spent a week in the baking hot sunshine whilst abroad.I did have bought for me a few little items but due me being in demand and having certain slaves needing a little extra attention I had to cut short my shopping trip..slip on my pvc boots,hotpants and top for some private training and Princess guidance.
Anyway my new site is up for you all to look at and for those nosy twats wanting to know why I've suddenly adopted the name Princess?Then maybe I should put your inquisive little minds at ease and let you all into a secret..
I AM A PRINCESS..I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN A PRINCESS..AND I ALWAYS WILL BE A PRINCESS!!........anyway........I do hope that does simply and quite straight forwardly answer any questions there have been or may have been in the coming future..
Click Here to see more of me the Sadistic Princess Anuska on my own personal site.
Well I am going now as I have other things to fill my life with..Sleep being one!
Oh yes and log into my blog tomorrow as I should have some more details to tell you on the things I mentioned in yesterdays blog..ie Huddersfield premises and my newest dungeon venture!
You will be!!
So for now it's bye bye from me..
Princess Anuska the Sadistic Princess.
07772 308063