Servants,slaves..whatever you are...whoever you are..
I am here!Yes your Princess will be in Huddersfield tomorrow,Tuesday and Wednesday where I will be available for sessions.My Princess site is coming along nicely and has a new address where you can find more pictures,listings and my scheduled personal appearances!What more could you ask for ay?
Anyway!whilst in London on one of my usual shopping adventures,I dragged one of my slaves along to one of my favourite fetish shops Honour.Ooh I do love it in there!(p.s I am a small if any one needs to know for future reference when thinking of buying your Princess a gift!..ahem hint hint!)..anyway!back to what I was saying which was when I was in Honour I had bought for me some rather nice black rubber skin tight trousers that I must say would make anyone want to get on their knees and kiss my arse..Believe me I definately would if I could but that's what you are there for isn't it!LOL!..YOU WISH!!While I let you ponder on that thought of my pert royal arse in tight rubber you will be pleased to know I have also acquired at long last my red rubber nurses outfit/dress!Two stunningly amazing rubber outfits in as many days..ooh I really am spoilt!Well that goes without saying doesn't it..I am Princess Anuska after all and I always get what I want in the end!LOL!
If you want to see more of your Princess then visit http://www.princessanuska.net/ where you will find my contact details,session details and a whole lot more..
Now fall to your knees and bow your heads while I leave you with your perverted thoughts as I have sadistic things to do..
Be good!
Princess Anuska
(Sadistic Princess)