Evening ALL!
Well who said Wednesdays were crap!For me and the rest of the lucky Mistreses at The Manchester Dungeon it was more RAP than CRAP!O YES!We saw the return of the truly fabulous and unmistakenly talented Sissy Barbara who read an alternative form of religious poetry in unique Sissy Barbara style before performing an original piece(put together from Barbaras own personal outlook on life)of rhyming genius that could only be described as complete poetical, rhyming bizarreness!Then if we hadn't already nearly been blown away by these random yet perfectly delivered Oscar winning performances,Barbara then switched from poet to a 50 cent style Sissy Gangsta Rapper!I must admit and I think that I speak for the majority of the other Mistresses who witnessed this performance,it was..like nothing I or anyone else had ever been given the pleasure of seeing before!Nor do I ever see it quite being done in that way or with such passion again.Sissy Barbara never ceases to amaze time after time!We are thinking of maybe putting Barbara through into next years Britain's Got Talent!Believe me this Sissy HAS got talent and it would be a shame not to share it with the rest of the population!
Anyway,Thurs looms and I will be available for sessions from 11.30am onwards at The Manchester Dungeon and don't forget I am in London Fri and Sat this week!Also I have had some more pictures done today!Hopefully these and some other galleries will be there for you to gawp at tomorrow evening so keep your fingers crossed and keep checking my site for updates which should also with any luck be on by tomorrow evening at the latest!
Good Evening..until tomorrow..maybe..!
Mistress Anuska xx
07772 308063