Sunday, 29 June 2008


Good evening everyone!

Yes everyone Saturday saw my last day at The Manchester Dungeon!I will be honest and say that it is a decision that I have been thinking about for a while which is something that many of you already knew anyway,I didn't have a specific date or time as to when I was going to re-open my Huddersfield Premises back up again but as I have now got access to not only 2downstairs chambers comprising of an authentic holding cell for my overnight prisoners to be kept in,I have also a main Dungeon area next door to it which is spacious and has been used in many a previous session when I had my Premises open before.As many of you know from when you visited before there are just the two main areas downstairs of which give off an immediate Dungeon feel as soon as you walk down the cellar steps and into the first Chamber.This was ideal in the past for Dungeon like sessions and the authentic feel of the back room led to many a great interrogation scenario and overnight accomodation for either some of my Kidnap victims or worthless slaves in training.Some of the very first videos that I produced with Mistress Vixen were shot in that very Dungeon itself.Ideally I knew that somewhere along the line when my opportunity arose I would eventually want to open up more rooms in the house so I could then expand my space and have several featured rooms to cater for more specialist areas.That is when I got offered the chance to session from The Manchester Dungeon.Although I have had many a good time there and on the whole I can honestly say that I've never laughed so much or been around so many different characters whilst under one roof,sometimes you need a little more to challenge yourself with when it comes to looking ahead regarding not only your own future but the future of others around you.So when I was given the option around a month ago to re-open not just the two main areas of the downstairs to my old Premises but have the chance of opening up and expanding another 2 floors up and 4 new rooms then as you can appreciate I began to review my options on staying full time in Manchester or biting the bullet and setting up on my own..I decided the latter would make the more sensible idea although seeing how things are run at The Manchester Dungeon I know that it is and won't be as easy as some of us may think!So back to Saturday and it was at this point I realised that now was the time I wanted to go ahead and do things my way for a change.Not something I had originally intended to do as an immediate venture I must admit..and from what I can gather came slightly a little sooner than everyone had anticipated but I handed over The Manchester Dungeon keys,gathered together my selection of kink and headed over to say a big HELLO to my new Premises!I'm a mixture right now of nerves and excitement but the truth is that above will never know until you try!!WELCOME TO MISTRESS ANUSKA/PRINCESS ANUSKAS NEW WORLD!!

I wish everyone at The Manchester Dungeon well both Mistresses and Slaves alike and I would be lying if I said that I'm not going to miss certain people and certain things that surround and involve The Manchester Dungeon as a whole!!


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