Well as the weekend draws to a close it's back to normal or abnormal in many a case!I will be in Manchester tomorrow and conducting sessions as usual at The Manchester Dungeon.Due to the amount of people wanting sessions in London I will be heading South again this Friday so do ring as early as possible to inquire about my schedule or available appiontments.I do hope it's going to be another bizarre week at the Dungeon but we shall see!I'm still awaiting the Sissy who thinks they can step up to compete with Barbaras talents!Any offers?We could do with a good bitch fight at the Dungeon!Anyway as promised my Galleries I have been told have been uploaed and should be with you by the morning!Enjoy and hopefully with things back on track you will see appearing very soon my long awaited new Members area with videos you can download,quality picture galleries and loads more for your pervy delictation.
Till tomorrow..
Mistress Anuska.
07772 308063