Has our little land of fetishes and depravity gone mad!!I've been made aware of some rather shocking announcements over the past few weeks and I'm really starting to wonder what the world of BDSM is coming to!!
Well for once my life sounds a little less...dare I say 'boring' compared to the events going on in some of my fellow(or maybe I should say ex fellow Mistresses)lives.Well whether it is a case of needing to take a little time out from the BDSM scene to fulfill other more personal areas of their lives or simply because they feel the time is right to hang up their leather gloves and say goodbye for good,to the whole BDSM way of life..either way I wish them well in their ventures and hope that the latter with both is not the case.
ANYWAY..I will be over at Hotel BDSM this Thursday trying out my new violet wand!A lovely 21 piece set as part of my birthday present..yes yes I'm a Princess..a sadistic one!!lol!!So presents like that are always going to be special :)..I wonder how many other people get violet wands for their birthdays?If you think about it I bet the answer is..not many!!lol!!
I'll think you'll probably find the reason is simply because..I'm special,spoilt,sadistic and..because I'm totally worth it!!
Move over Cheryl Cole..they'll be wanting yours truly for the next Loreal advert!!LOL!!They'll be lucky if they get through though..I'll have to remember to switch my phone on!! :)
The Princess xx
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