Unfortunately the reason behind the lack of updated blogs is due to your Princess not being very well.Thanks to some incompitent staff in the medical profession,I have been suffering(up until a few days ago)on and off,since before Christmas,with what was WRONGLY diagnosed as an eye infection in both of my eyes.After numerous visits to the doctors and several courses of treatment,I returned to my doctors and demanded they refer me to the hospital immediately!
Of which they did..of course!lol!
They knew best :)
Anyway..it turns out that the so called infection was not an infection at all..somehow I had several shards of glass embedded in both of my eyes!
Not the nicest of procedures but I successfully had most of the glass removed(with a needle I may add!!!)and you will be pleased to know that now,with full vision back in tact,I will be back on Monday to resume my sessions.
I will be available in Huddersfield and also at Hotel BDSM for a few days next week, so do try get through on my phone because remember..
God loves a tryer..but not as much as I do!lol!
Princess Anuska xx
07752 193801
Sadistic Princess
UK Mistress Kidnap