Hi all,
Well I have been busy,with the run up to Christmas all you needy little slaves seem to be needing more and more attention from the Princess!No rest for the wicked as they say!I have had alot of response to the ad I put out for the female submissive but I am yet to find one that will be able to conform to my required standards(and I don't see that I am am setting my sights too high!lol!).So my quest continues to find a suitable candidate,but you know the Princess deserves only the best!so no matter how long it takes I will not settle for anything less.So if you think that you may be able to submit to my needs then do email me at princessanuska@hotmail.com and hope that you will indeed be successful in coming to serve the Princess on a regular basis.Good luck!
Check out all my new galleries on my Princess Anuska site.
For up to date info on my latest goings on in the Kidnap world of UK Mistress Kidnap then do visit my Kidnap and Abduction site.
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.