Good evening all!
Yes this weekend will see the event "Kinky in Leeds"..I missed the last one and as I am used to travelling South for all of the major fetish events it will be a nice refreshing change to have this event practically on my doorstep!This will of course be an added bonus for the Princess as you all know how yours truly likes to let her hair down!lol!Also whilst we are on the subject of fetish nites you will all remember my near tragic evening trying to make it down to Club Pedestal a few weeks ago,the train got stuck with the Princess onboard for 2 hours making me devilishly late and thinking that I wouldn't make it at all..obviously I did because well..I am the Princess!lol!
Anyway you can see the pictures from that night at Pedestal by clicking HERE
If you want to find out more about this Saturdays fetish event in Leeds click HERE
Anyway time for me to go..
Be good!!
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.