Hi all!
Well my weekend was a little hit and miss,these days I don't have time to get anything done it seems.I'm either doing work on my websites,sessioning not only in Manchester at The Manchester Dungeon but in Huddersfield at Mistress Athenas new place or at Mistress Jay's Yorkshire Dungeon.I don't seem to stop and the bookings are coming in that fast that I hardly ever have the chance to answer my phone and when I do I seem to have my diary full!I'm not complaining of course but a few of you desperate slaves might be getting a little impatient which is understandable but unfortunately because your Princess is in high demand I can only say that patience is a virtue and all good things come to those who wait!I am planning to do a shoot in the next couple of weeks so when I have organised the dates later this evening I will inform you when I will be requiring a few of you to attend this days filming so do watch out over the next few days on my blog to see when this will be.
I will be away Thursday and Friday of this week so do not expect to book in to see me on either of those days because..er YOU CAN'T!I do have better things to do like..my hair!lol!anyway I may decide to work Sat at The Manchester Dungeon this week but I will let you know for definate over the next few days!In the mean time I will be available at The Manchester Dungeon tomorrow and Wednesday so get booked in asap to avoid disappointment at not being able to kneel before your Princess!
Now go away and have a look at my new galleries on my Sadistic Princess site if you havn't already done so..and even if you have then take another look and keep looking until your fantasies get to become your reality!
Be Good!
or Be Punished!
Sadistic Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.
CLICK HERE for my Sadistic Princess site.
CLICK HERE for my UK Mistress Kidnap site.
07772 308063