Good evening all,
Well it's been quite a chilled day at The Manchester Dungeon today and I can honestly say I feel quite at ease and am happily making myself at home again!(as you can probably see from the picture taken today at The Manchester Dungeon!).I will be at The Manchester Dungeon most days but as I stated before I am still taking a few appointments for those who can't make it over to Manchester at The Yorkshire Dungeon in Huddersfield.I will definately be in Huddersfield next Thursday so keep that in mind as appointments are booking up fast!I will do my best to keep you posted on definate days at least a week in advance from now on so you can carefully plan your excuse to leave the office early!so that you can come and recieve your well deserved punishment from The Princess!
NEW PIX!!NEW PIX!!click here to see them on my Sadistic Princess site and don't forget that tomorrow see's another victim fall into the hands of yours truly..yes your UK Mistress Kidnap!I'm back in Huddersfield tomorrow evening with yet another exclusive hotel Kidnap!
click here to have a look what might be in store for UK Mistress Kidnaps victim when he finally meets his match tomorrow!!LOL!!This should be fun!!FOR ME!!
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.
Also see if you can find me on My Space!!The Sadistic Princess of course!!