Hi all,
Just to follow on my tour of the London Fetish Club scene I will be attending the Club Smack this weekend on Sat night.It should prove to be another good one and of course come up and make yourself known to me if you have the balls!All I have to do now is pick my outfit!Talking of Clubs if you read Hogspy you will see that the hot gossip of the week is that there are rumours that Super Domme may be hosting a new event..One of which I must say I will definately be attending but I will keep you posted on any news of that!Also keep checking the Super Domme site for updates and news of any forthcoming events.
In the mean time I must say I have found it slightly hard to get back into the swing of things after the weekend.I think it may be down to the fact that I have had to put aside my Batgirl outfit as crime round these areas has suddenly hit an all time low.Maybe my superpowers have gone along with it!There is only one thing to do which would be to transport myself back into Princess Land where things are definately alot more..RANDOM!I'll let you see an example..
Once upon a time not so long ago I was sitting in my Princess kitchen and looking out into my beautiful Princess Garden,I was on the phone with one of my special friends when suddenly out of nowhere I saw a cloud,this was a special cloud that caught my eye immediately,I had never seen one like it before,a dragon cloud!A Princess Dragon cloud!I was so excited I ran and took a picture of it..so take a close look at it and see if you can see my Princess Dragon cloud..if not then either I have completely lost it or you need to get yourself down to Specsavers!!
Till the next time..
Be good!
Mistress/Princess Anuska
P.s I put in one last pic of yours truly in her BATGIRL costume as I walked down the red carpet into Club Rub last Sat night!
I miss you BATGIRL!See you soon I hope...