Well having only just got home after my extra long weekend of parties and a kink fest of my own I may have to take a little time to recover!Ok I'll manage I guess so I'll be in Huddersfield today(Tuesday),London again on Wed and it looks like I will be heading to Manchester on Thursday.Ooh it's great being a Princess!
Also I think there may be love in the air for my good friend Master Charles,I take it you remember him from his early days at The Manchester Dungeon..?
..anyway I have eventually found him a rather attractive submissive little bitch of whom I know he will be able to dominate as soon as they set eyes on each other.Her name is Dolce and she seems quite classy,I can't see that lasting for long in the hands of the Master himself!Time for some new attire for the Master then!
I'll post some pics as soon as I get chance..
For now though I'm going to bed to catch up and remember I need a few more slaves for this Sat filming day.
Mistress/Princess Anuska.
click here for my kidnap site
click here for my Sadistic Princess site