Ooh it's that time again people!Hell yes I feel a kidnap coming on!Look over your shoulder and keep a tight grip on your balls because I'm coming to get YOU!Ha ha..one unlucky soul is in for a bit of the Sadistic Princess treatment,so do be extra vigilant when out and about tommorrow but remember..resistance is useless!Plus no-one likes a drama queen!(unless of course it's me)
In fact the best thing for you to do is to come quietly..it saves hassle(e.g me breaking a sweat or in a worst case scenario..A NAIL)..mind you either way you would be punished severely but you all know that anyway,so whilst I go and carefully plan the important details of tommorrows abduction(e.g what to wear!lol)
I'll bid you all a good night!
Sleep well,as tommorrow night you may not be rewarded with such a luxury!
Sadistic Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap