Evening all,
Well I had no choice but to once again summon the same disobedient,naughty and obviously very cocky little boy(who was incidently in my office two weeks ago)back to see me for a further review of his consistantly bad and disruptive behaviour!
I was not best pleased,so decided to take him along to a place where the really exceptional cases go,for a very strict disciplinary with Mistress.Depending on how severe the case is,they may be forced to stay the night under strict supervision, suffer prolonged periods of harsh punishment,endure being put in isolation,humiliated in front of other members of staff and stripped of any basic human rights.
Yes that's right..I took him to see Mistress Hellena,although she did not want to waste her evening having to deal with such an incompitent fool,in which I don't really blame her,so I severly punished him and then left him there..all alone..with no-one to talk to or communicate with..
Hopefully that will give him time to reflect on his behaviour but we shall see what the foolish boy has to say for himself in the morning!!
It's rather chilly tonight,mind you his arse was very warm to say the least,and it was a nice shade of bright red too when I left,so I'm sure the heat penetrating from that will give off sufficient warmth till at least the morning!
Oh well a nice big bed for me to crawl into!
Goodnight one and all but I'm quite sure not all will sleep well,I'm very sure I will though!lol!
Princess Anuska xx
Princess AnuskaUK Mistress Kidnap