Well one and all,my flights are booked,my luxury accomodation has been paid for and I havn't even lifted a finger!Yes I am travelling to Barbados on the 13th of May and as it should be it will be first class all the way,I mean that literally too!Only the best for the Princess as you know and seen asthough the flights will be around 8-8 and a half hours,my slave thought it only right to book first class British Airways seats to ensure the upmost relaxing and pleasant flight available.How spoilt am I!LOL!What can I say..apart from well..I am worth it!I will ensure there are plenty of toys in my bag,so let's just hope I get through customs alright!If not I am sure I will brighten up someones day if they choose to search me!
Be good!
Mistress Anuska aka The Sadistic Princess.
Princess Anuska.
UK Mistress Kidnap.