Well after a hard days filming I am completely knackered so I'm not going to harp on about it,all I am I going to say is that everything went really well,loads of footage,lots of pictures,oodles of rubber and plenty pvc!
I bet you wish you had been a fly on the wall at The Manchester Dungeon today..O well..UNLUCKY!!
You will just have to wait for the footage to go on the Latexgirls website but in the mean time..yes the MEAN time I'm going to be mean and only let you have a quick preview of 1 of the shots taken today during filming.Unfortunately this was taken on the Princesses pissy little camera which got covered in Latex shine spray on the lens,so the pic did not come out as well as I had have hoped!Fear not though..my cameraman did take alot more on his camera and will be forwarding these on to me shortly.Enjoy!!
P.s don't forget The Manchester Dungeon party on the 11th which is this coming Wed!I will be there but if you require a private session beforehand I will be there all day tomorrow and Tuesday.
Mistress/Princess Anuska.