Hi all,
I am available tomorrow for sessions in Huddersfield..ring me on tel: 07772 308063 to book in or to find out available times you may come and visit me.Do take a look on my other sites The SADISTIC PRINCESS site and my UK MISTRESS KIDNAP site and do note down in your diaries that I will be coming to London next Friday and will be available for sessions on Saturday.
Well I have loads going on right now,loads of gossip and news next week for you all!but for now the Princess has been burning the candle at both ends and is a little tired tonight.I've somehow managed to have more nights out this week than I have nights in!Ok I'm bad!I know!but that's why you all can't help but adore me!You really wouldn't have your Princess Anuska any other way now would you?..lol!
For now though be good..
or ring me if you require a good punishing!
Mistress/Princess Anuska aka UK Mistress Kidnap.
07772 308063