Hi to all my little perverts out there!Another week ended in success at The Dungeon last weekend with Saturday proving to be another busy one for us all!Can't complain though as I'm having fun and my days are going faster than ever!
Myself and two other Mistresses had our photos done yesterday and will be featured in my Gallery before the weekend so that is something to get your trousers twitching and your palms sweating as the two other Mistresses in the pictures with me are both Manchester Dungeon Mistresses Winter and Sarah Kane.I am available for Double sessions with either Mistress so ring me if you are interested in booking a session or for appointment availability.
Also I had my first Mistress and Submissive Double session today.Submissive Summer took a good whipping off me much to the joy of one client who basqued in the glory of seeing me punish the little Sub girl in front of his eyes.He did get a bit over excited when he mistakenly spoke down to me!So I quickly made him aware of the fact that I do not take too kindly to being told what to do and behold! He suddenly regained sight of the fact that he was indeed in the presence of Mistress Anuska and kindly with his tail between his legs resumed the session in the correct format and order of the day.
Myself and Submissive Summer are doing Double sessions also so anybody wanting to book then give me a ring as we are available all week from the Manchester Dungeon and we are also taking bookings for London with sessions starting from next weekend.
I will be in London for an Erotica type show next weekend which is being held at Olympia next Saturday and Sunday.I will give you the details tomorrow on my next blog.Until then I will leave you a preview of what is to come on my next Gallery.
Mistress Anuska xx
Email: mistressanuska@hotmail.co.uk
Tel: 07772 308063