LASH!!what a night!!In fact what a weekend!!
Where do I start??Well as usual and in true Manchester Goddess style we all met up in force at Mistress Julias house..we invited some incredibly lucky slaves to run around getting us drinks and generally used and abused until we decided that we had left our public waiting long enough..along with our vast entourage and the most intimidating set of Mistresses we made our way in a huge convoy down to Club Lash that was by the way celebrating its 10th birthday!!
We made our usual Grande entrance and hit the bar..(not literally!!)although there was a nice young barman who kept trying to make eye contact with me but I refrained myself for once as I didn't want to overexcite myself too soon!!LOL!!I wouldn't have minded quickly whipping him over my knee and giving his rather sweet little arse a nice friendly warm up before things really got going for the night..anyway I left him alone and we all headed towards the dancefloor..Well it took around 3minutes for the dancefloor to suddenly clear as we entered and everybody just seemed to move further..and further..and well it just ending up looking like an exclusive VIP area just for Mistresses,personal slaves or close associates of THE MANCHESTER DUNGEON..well with that we took full advantage of the situation and stepped up the party in true MANCHESTER DUNGEON style..our slaves don't get out much so with little encouragement we all stepped back and let our two resident sissy's take over in what looked like a dance off between Britney Spears and...well..er famous in his own right Mandy(you can follow the rise of Mandy on Mistress Julias and also The Manchester Dungeons blogs)..Mistress Julia and I went shopping for Mandys outfit which may I add for once we did all try make the effort to conform to the themed dress code of 'purple'..everybody looked stunning but Mandys outfit out purpled everyone!!It was an original one off piece customised and created by Mistress Julia herself..
What can I say??the focus was on them as they made the most of the vast space of dance area and whilst Tanya was seductively capturing the audience by making the most of the post/pole by spinning round it and rubbing herself against it like a true slut but by this time THE PURPLE PANTS OF POWER were off and had seemed to take on a life of their own..it was a close call as to who was the best but for those who saw they will understand when I say the dancing technique of them both was..alternative..different and bizarrely erotic!!!It was surreal but hey I saw a man in flippers and wetsuit...ENOUGH SAID!!
Anyway when the sluts had a breather we needed something else to do..
Talk about the right place at the wrong time for someone..the Mistresses did not hold back with this one..I stood back and just watched................
Then I saw my long awaited opportunity and laid the boot in and thought of England..that's only because he was in a Nazi uniform of course..!!Well sometimes deep down it's always nice to know in the back of your mind that it's sadistically satisfying to kick a man when he is really down..NICE WORK GIRLS!!!
Anyway we all had a good night and I think we can quite comfortbly say that within the first ten minutes of our entrance ''they DID know exactly who we were''!!!
When we eventually went/got thrown out we re-grouped,waved a fond farewell and bid a good night to all that were stood outside freezing in the rain..jumped in the Jag and the chauffeur drove us off into the night..
To those who didn't make it on that night i've attatched pictures of the main highlights of the whole night...
Mistress Anuska xx