Yes that's right,myself and one of my new rubber outfits will be heading down to London this Thursday to attend the mighty Club Pedestal!The hotel suite has been booked,courtesy of my filthy little London tart,my entourage will be in tow and as always it will be a pleasure to catch up with everyone whilst also having the opportunity to become aquainted with some new faces.
I will be staying until the Friday evening,but as you can imagine,with it being my first trip down to London for a while,I have a few little things that are in desperate need of being dealt with..severely!
The good news is though,I will be heading down to London again in a few weeks and I will be giving some of the lucky few,an opportunity to session with me(that is if they can manage to get through to me TO book a session).
Dates and times of my forthcoming trips to London will be posted on my next blog.
In the mean time,look forward to seeing me at Club Pedestal this Thursday!
Princess Anuska xx
UK Mistress Kidnap
The Sadistic Princess
07401 861859